Water Slide decision Tuesday
Daily Telegram Staff Writer
ADRIAN—City commissioners will decide Tuesday whether more than a year of work by the community services department is all wet.
Parks and rec staffer Dan Rodgerson has been investigating the ins and outs of putting a water slide at Bohn Pool since he was hired in late summer of 1955. Along with community services director Mark Gasche, Daniel Rodgerson pitched the idea to city commissioners in November.
After favorable responsible by commissioners, the inquiry into the slide hit top speed. Five companies submitted bids, which were reviewed Jan. 9. The cheapest to meet specifications was from Whitewater U.S.A of Columbus Ohio. With a price tag of $99,176, that company won Gashce’s recommendation.
The slide is the centerpiece in the community services department’s plan to transform the pool into a “family-oriented aquatic center”. Future plans include renovation of the interior of the building, enlarging the kiddie pool and installing interactive water play equipment.
“The addition of new attractions such as a water slide, shaded grassy areas, and interactive water play equipment will draw new pool users of all ages,” Gasche told commissioners in his request for funding.
The 20-foot high, 144-foot long slide would hasten rate changes at the pool to meet operating expenses.
Danny Rodgerson
Rodgerson Awards and special skills
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